Ensuring access to a range of services for KEMP Hospice patients is essential to our care and support programme
Ensuring access to a range of services for KEMP Hospice patients is essential to our care and support programme.
That’s why we are very excited to announce ahead of World Lymphoedema Day on 6th March 2023, that KEMP’s Exercise & Wellbeing Practitioner Kim, has recently qualified to deliver Tripudio Movement Systems, a sequence of flowing movements which focuses on the fluid systems of the body, including the lymphatic system.

Support for the lymphatic system
The Lymphatic System is an important part of your body’s immune system, helping to protect from infection and diseases by keeping fluids in the body balanced. If a person develops complications with their lymphatic system, it can cause the chronic inflammatory condition Lymphoedema. According to the British Lymphoedema Society there is an estimated 450,000 people in the UK living with the condition today.
Tripudio Movement Systems is an evidence based programme focusing on a series of movements to support and help the functioning of the lymphatic system. Founder Julia Williams, has developed programmes for cancer and hospice care for several years, and continues to train health professionals like Kim to deliver this important activity.
A new movement programme to support KEMP Hospice patients
When speaking about the new programme Kim said, “I’m really looking forward to providing this new session. It’s not something we’ve offered before at KEMP and will really benefit a number of our patients. I’ll be delivering the programme virtually so patients can join in online from the comfort of their own home, and it’s available to both existing and new patients”.
If you are a resident in the Wyre Forest area and would like to find out more, please call 01562 756000 and ask to speak to Kim Bayliss, or email kim.bayliss@kemphospice.org.uk