Carol has always led an active and independent life, but a diagnosis of life-limiting conditions has meant her life was changed beyond measure. Find out how support from KEMP Hospice has helped her find new interests and new friends.
Carol has always led an active and independent life, but a diagnosis of life-limiting conditions has meant her life was changed beyond measure…Here’s Carol’s story:
“I’ve always been so independent. I live on my own and spent many years as a licensee, but when I started having problems with my breathing, I was sent for tests. They identified I have Fibromyalgia, COPD, Bronchiectasis and an acid hernia that burns through my stomach. Being diagnosed felt like being struck by lightning. Living alone is hard, and everyday tasks became such a challenge. I’ve felt so incredibly low and struggled to cope with the impact of my diagnosis.”
Carol was referred to an 8-week rehab course to help her breathing. It was here she was recommended to refer to KEMP Hospice.
“I was told I might benefit from a place called KEMP Hospice, so I was referred and had Emma (Development Clinical Nurse Specialist at KEMP) visit me at home. We had a chat about my condition and suitability for Day Hospice. It was arranged for me to start attending on Wednesdays and I’ve done breathing classes, creative arts and relaxation classes. My life has been so much better by coming here. Before, I felt like I had nothing to live for, but coming here has changed me, it’s changed my whole life. They’ve helped me in so many ways.”
With support from KEMP Occupational Therapy team, Carol has also been assisted to maintain her independence at home by:
- Arranging a chair for her shower.
- Sleeping aids supporting her to get a restful night’s sleep.
- A reclining chair to help her relax.
Finding a new passion for creative arts
In addition to her attending Day Hospice on a Wednesday, Carol has also joined the craft group on a Friday. Each week, KEMP patients are invited to attend a special session with their carer or a family member to take part in craft activities with KEMP’s Creative Artist.
“My daughter and I don’t get much time to spend together, so we both enjoy coming to the Friday group, having that time together and taking part in crafts. By coming here it’s changed me, it’s changed my whole life. I still have my illnesses, and I am getting worse, but when you’re here you don’t talk about your illnesses, you don’t talk about your medication, not unless you want to. It’s so nice to be able to do something you enjoy, to just sit there and be in the moment.”
Day Hospice Friendships Celebrating Special Occasions
“I’ve made some wonderful friendships, and when I celebrated my 70th birthday, they brought me a cake and some bubbles to help celebrate together. I was on such a high, it was amazing! I’ve also discovered a new passion for crafts and have so far made a scarf for my sister, a picture frame for my son, decorations for the hospice tree and I love painting. One of the other patients is planning a fundraising event so I’ll be putting them in frames and raffling them off to help raise funds for KEMP.”
“Wednesday really is my best day. It’s the day I feel most relaxed, I eat the best, and I sleep the best, it really is my favourite day of the week because I so look forward to coming to KEMP. I just can’t thank everyone enough and now with the support of the Hospice, I’m living again, I’m alive.”
Find out more about how KEMP Hospice can help, how to make a referral or how you can help support KEMP Hospice continue to be there for people like Carol.